The kingdom of Minerale is constantly in political upheaval with a new king or duke every month from a coup or an assassination. Broken in to 12 provinces ruled by a rotating cast of Dukes and Duchesses. The Mineralite industrial revolution has brought steam powered technology to the world of Valomir.
Their technology comes at a price: thick smog in the cities and mad scientists running around creating mechanical monsters.
In the cold mountains of their home lies their greatest power, the powerstones. These gems grant the wearer powers such as strength, flight, invisibility, speed, and more. Each male Mineralite must spend a year in the mines regardless of their status as noble or commoner. This earns them all of the powerstones for their future children from the treasury of the king.
In order to use the powerstones, every child is generically altered in the womb using ancient technology. This leaves most Mineralites of certain generations looking eerily similar. Tobias and Francis look near identical except Francis is taller and smirkier than the very serious and shorter Tobias.
Genetically altered
- Black straight hair
- Blue eyes
- Pale skin
- Black curly hair
- Brown, blue, or green eyes
- Easily tanned to olive skin
- Bronze
- Silver
- Lumber
- Ore
- Grain
- Weapons
- Steampunk Technology
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