Chapter 15: Dance Of Daggers

Chapter 15: Dance Of Daggers

To say the atmosphere in the banquet hall was strained after the hostage situation was an understatement. On the one hand, Jaden was thankful that he didn’t have to worry about trying to bring the two people together tonight. On the other, the thing he had to worry about was the life of the only king worth his weight in powerstones in the last century.

Jaden tore at his collar. He was being strangled by his suit. At least his people had the decency to keep the fires low at this soiree. The last soiree thrown by the Elementiinfo-icon had left him sweating rivers.

Tobias flashed his pocket mirror on the mezzanine, confirming everyone was in position.

Jaden grimaced. I hope he will be more discreet in relaying messages throughout the night.

Belladonna posed as a server, testing the drinks for poison before they went out. Poisoning drinks was a desperate move, but it seemed all the more likely, given that Lord Neron didn’t have his customary drink in his hand.

Jaden knew Francis should be stationed in the band near the king’s dais, but he wouldn’t bet his life on picking him out of the group. That man could blend into wallpaper.

He remembered the night they first met. His uncle had hired Francis to assassinate him for being a Senkeninfo-icon. Jaden didn’t remember the last time he had come that close to dying. He only survived when Casper managed to shove the assassin into a closet and the two of them stuck every sword in his father’s estate through the closet door.

The Scarlet Society began the next morning when Jaden learned the assassin’s guild held Francis’ sister captive to ensure his loyalty and offered his resources to help free as many hostages as possible.

“You are awfully quiet tonight,” Josephine commented, tearing at a loose thread on her glove.

“I’m just focused.” Jaden almost wanted them to get the attempt on the king’s life over with. All this waiting stressed him out. “The hostage situation has everyone tense.”

Josephine frowned. “Does this have something to do with the clandestine meeting you had with Lady Emera in the garden?”

“So that gardener was your spy?”

“No, he’s just the biggest gossip in the Halls.” Josephine laughed, “You know if you want to marry her, I won’t stand in your way, but sneaking around with her behind my back will only tarnish both of our reputations.”

Jaden’s eyes snapped to her. “Creator, no. This is just politics.”

Josephine rolled her eyes. “You’re a noble. Everything you do has to do with politics. Even marriage.”

A glint of light from Tobias caught Jaden’s eye. Avoid red drinks.

The message came as his father accepted one of the red drinks from a server.

“I’m sorry, I have to go.” Jaden strode with purpose towards his father.

Before his father could bring the drink to his lips, Jaden stumbled into him and knocked the drink from his hand.

Unfortunately, Lord Gustav was standing next to his father. 

I hope it is only poisonous when ingested. Jaden dabbed at Lord Gustav’s suit. “I am so sorry. I should have looked where I was going.”

“I will have to replace this,” Lord Gustav grumbled. “This was custom-tailored.”

“Tell them to put it on my account.” That seemed to change the minor lord’s opinion of the turn of events.

Jaden whispered to his father. “Don’t drink anything that you don’t see prepared in front of you.”

Kern’s eyes narrowed. “Do you know something I don’t?”

“I’ll get you another drink.” Jaden didn’t answer his question, instead, he went to where he knew they stationed Belladonna as one of the servers. “I need another sparkling cider.”

Belladonna offered him a fresh glass.

Tobias flashed another mirror message. Female assailant with hat pin approaching dais. 

There is no way I can get there in time!

The violinist broke a string with a terrible screeching sound and caused the dancing partners to halt.

The musician bowed. “I will return with a new violin.”

Jaden covered a smile. I didn’t know Francis could play. 

Francis left the stage and intercepted the woman. She didn’t come quietly when he put a hand on her hairpin. The two of them struggled over the foot-long needle-like hairpin.

The King’s guards and the Elementi Peacekeepers fought against the current of the crowd towards the fighting pair.

While everyone’s eyes were on the fight, Jaden watched several people putting their hands in their vests and walking against the crowd with purpose towards the dais where the king stood.

Now it begins...

Belladonna spilled a tray full of cider on one of them. He reluctantly followed her to the kitchen to be cleaned up. They wouldn’t be seeing him for the rest of the night.

The King’s guards finally subdued Francis and the hatpin-wielding woman. They were both escorted out of the soiree to be questioned.

Several nondescript individuals stopped or distracted most of the would-be assassins. That left five, maybe a few more who were less obvious.

Jaden didn’t know how many more of his people were hidden in the crowd. For all he knew, he was the only thing between the king and death. He closed the distance between him and the king’s dais.

Josephine cornered Jaden before he could get halfway there. “We need to talk about our arrangement. Now.”

“Can we talk about this later? Maybe we can discuss this later when there aren't hundreds of people around us.” Jaden resisted the urge to shove her out of the way.

Josephine put a hand out to stop him. “You have been acting strange all night. Meeting with Emera, avoiding me. Now you want to speak with the king when you haven’t so much as bowed in his direction since his coronation.”

“I don’t have time to explain,” Jaden said through gritted teeth.

“You think I don’t notice all the people making their way towards the king?” Josephine whispered. “What have you gotten yourself involved in, Jaden?”

“You’ve got it all wrong.” Panic gripped him by the throat as the men continued unfettered. “I’m trying to stop them from making a grave mistake that will cost us the best king we’ve had in centuries and our only hope of defeating the Animalians.”

Casper appeared out of the crowd and pulled Jaden away. “My lord, you have a pressing matter you must attend to. Please excuse us, Lady Josephine.”

Jaden didn’t wait to hear her reply and followed Casper. “Where are we going?”

“A shortcut.” Casper pushed aside a tapestry and entered the servant hall. The old man broke into a run as soon as the tapestry closed behind them.

Jaden matched his pace.

They went down a short flight of stairs until they came to a locked door. Casper produced a ring of keys and unlocked it. They hurried up a narrow set of stairs until they came to a trap door.

“We will come up behind the dais. No one will see where we came from.”

“I’m impressed.” Jaden wasted no time in pulling himself up and not a moment too soon. One of the shady characters had breached the ring of plain-clothed Enforcers trying to blend with the crowd.

“Lord Edgar!” Jaden clapped the man on his shoulder. “How is your sister? Let me get you a drink.”

The man stared at him without a lick of recognition. “I think you have-”

“I’ve heard they keep the best down in the kitchen.” Jaden kept a hand around the back of the man’s neck and led him towards the servant halls.

As soon as they were behind the tapestry, the facade dropped and the man struck Jaden in the gut.

“I was going to ask how you want to do this, but I guess it is the hard way.” Jaden activated his powerstone and slammed a fist into the man’s head.

The man dodged his fist with unnatural speed and left an orange trail of light in his wake. He pummeled Jaden’s torso with several rapid-fire punches.

Jaden swung his fist and missed again. I might be better off trying to beat him without my pendant.

The assassin headed for the exit and ran face-first into a broom Casper held out in front of him.

Once on the ground, Jaden made quick work of him.

Casper produced a rope from one of the storage closest and they left the unconscious assassin inside.

“Good thinking.” Jaden rolled his shoulder. He could already feel the bruises forming on his chest. “I will need Belladonna to whip up another batch of her healing oil.”

“I already have a jar waiting for you in your room.” Casper dusted off his jacket and parted the tapestry.

Lady Josephine was on the other side, an irate look on her face.

“Josephine!” Jaden started and cleared his throat. “Sorry, Casper had to pull me away. There was an important letter that needed an immediate reply.”

He was going to have to break things off with her tomorrow. He couldn’t keep up with his responsibilities and entertain such a clever woman at the same time.

Before Josephine could get a word in, the doorman announced, “High Priestess Idara and Priest Rafael accompanied by Understudy Apollo.”

All the activity in the room came to a standstill.

Jaden breathed a sigh of relief. As far as he could recall, the Followers Of The Creator had never graced the Ambassadorial Halls with their presence before, but this was a tumultuous time and he was thankful for their visit. The assassins would think twice before killing the king in the presence of the holy people.

In the silence, the Followers’ footsteps made a resounding clink as their crystalline feet tapped against the marble floor. Their robes made their bodies seem shapeless. These literal living statues were the blessed people of the Creator. You could look back at the most ancient written account of the history of the civilized countries and find their name mentioned.

High Priestess Idara stood a head taller than her male counterparts. She pushed back her hood to reveal her semi-transparent, multifaceted face. In the place of hair, a crown of crystals sprouted from her head. “We have come from the Shrine of Light on foot. While we have traveled through your two countries, we have spoken the message the Creator gave us to deliver: you can choose the lawlessness of the Animalianinfo-icon clans or you can choose the righteous way of the Creator.”

Priest Rafael continued where the High Priestess left off, “These are dark times in which everyone is making choices which they may not be proud of. Your country may fall into lawlessness, but you do not have to let your soul fall with it.”

Their understudy kept his head bowed respectfully as he listened to his mentors preach, but the way he fidgeted made him seem agitated. Perhaps he was tired from their long journey.

“Mikal, please fetch some water for the Followers.” Sihara’s voice broke the spell that had settled upon the banquet room with the sudden appearance of the Followers.

“Are you saying we have no chance of surviving the Animalian’s onslaught?” Lord Neron sneered.

Of course, he would be the first to object. Jaden caught Emera looking at him. Soon, our plans will come to fruition.

Mikel brought a flask of water to Sihara, and she offered it to the understudy. He looked surprised.

“Divided, you are sheep to the wolves. You cannot overcome it.” High Priestess Idara said. “United by your shepherd, the Creator above, you may trample the wolves which threaten you.”

“If you choose to stay divided, your countries will fall, but your soul does not have to fall with them.” Priest Rafael waited till the din of voices calmed at his proclamation of the coming destruction of the countries. “Your choices are as follows...”

“You can unite and triumph over your enemies,” Priestess Idara continued, “Or you can stay divided and let your countries fall into the hands of the unbelievers.”

Before anyone could ask other questions, the understudy spoke, “We have been traveling for the past moon to find ourselves here. We do not ask for anything other than a place to exist until we must depart.”

A thousand voices offered for the Followers to take their room, and it was no surprise to Jaden that the understudy accepted Sihara’s offer.

As Jaden predicted, the rest of the night passed somewhat uneventfully thanks to the presence of the Followers Of The Creator.

People trickled out as the hours passed long into the night. Many of them would have to at least act like they were sober and alert tomorrow morning.

Jaden wasn’t looking forward to facing the morning. I may have to drink my weight in kavainfo-icon to get through the day.

Lady Josephine caught his eye and Jaden didn’t have any reason to refuse to talk to her. He motioned her over.

She excused herself from her father and he intercepted her halfway across the room. “You ready to talk to me now?”

Jaden rubbed the back of his neck. “Things seem to have calmed down after the Followers appeared.”

Josephine bit her lip. “My father has nearly bankrupted us with his agreement to the union’s terms.”

“Oh, Creator.” Jaden’s stomach dropped. Her family was the richest in the province. What had the worker’s union asked for?

“As you can imagine, our current arrangement won’t work for me any longer.” Josephine twisted her gloves in her hands.

She had to marry someone rich enough to keep our factories afloat. Jaden was rich enough, but almost all of his allowance and then some went towards running towards the Scarlet Society. He couldn’t afford to keep her factories running and pay for the Scarlet’s expenses.

A pity. She is a clever woman and might even understand the importance of the Scarlet Society, given the time.

“Of course, I release you from any previous agreements. If you or your family needs anything, let me know and I’ll see what I can do.” Jaden offered her a curt bow.

Josephine’s expression was unreadable. “It is late. I should get my father to bed.”

Jaden couldn’t help but feel that he was missing something.

The king didn’t retire, and the crowd continued to thin.

Jaden’s people and the assassins would likely be the last to leave. He didn’t want his father and mother around for the fallout.

“Casper, can you invent some urgent matter that my parents and the Tajinfo-icon need to attend to?”

Casper raised an eyebrow. “I will think of something. But it won’t look good for you to stand off to the side the entire night. Go socialize.”

Jaden groaned internally. He was right. With a half smile, he approached the king’s circle.

King Dresden laughed while his queen looked positively mortified. “That’s when I told her you can have pearls or you can have wine, but you can’t have pearls in the wine!”

The small group laughed.

“You know, I’ve always wanted to try that Elementi delicacy,” Jaden commented. “But pearls are in such short supply after the Animalians annexed the coast.”

“Well said.” King Dresden chuckled, “If Nadine wanted to try it for herself, I’d move heaven and earth to get it for her, but it was far too costly to serve to all of our wedding guests.”

“Ah.” Jaden bit the inside of his cheek. Perhaps I overstepped.

“I don’t think we have been introduced.” Queen Nadine’s gentle smile hid a keen mind.

“Oh, of course. Where are my manners? I am Lord Jaden Calstein, son of the Lord Ambassador.” Jaden bowed before the king and queen.

“Oh, I met your sister, Roxann, I believe. She was positively charming.” Queen Nadine gushed.

That single comment will sustain Roxann for years. Jaden smiled. “Court life suits her.”

“I agree.” The sparkle in Queen Nadine’s eye worried him.

It is one thing to be friendly with the royal family but to be friends or, even worse, attendants is a death sentence.

Casper led his parents and the Taj out of the banquet hall.

“Another drink, your majesty?” Belladonna asked in the guise of a server.

The king waved off her tray. “No, thanks. Well, I thank all of you for your wonderful company. I believe I will retire to my room.”

Jaden watched them leave with their Enforcers in tow and sagged with relief. Somehow, we managed to keep the king alive through the soiree.

The report of a musket pierced the silence and Queen Nadine’s scream echoed down the corridor.

I had to jinx it. Jaden slid to a stop and surveyed the scene before him. They pinned the royals behind an upturned table. Musket-wielding traitors were hidden throughout the corridor.

Jaden couldn’t approach the royals without the guards mistaking him for another assassin, so he would have to work from the shadows. He retraced his steps to the banquet hall and slipped into the kitchen.

The servants glanced his way and then ignored him while they cleaned up after the event.

Jaden ducked into the servant’s halls and found the closet he was looking for. He pulled down a package wrapped in brown paper. Inside was the red Scarlet Society uniform.

Jaden struggled with leaving his heirloom dagger behind, but someone was bound to recognize it. The leather braces were laced too tight, but he didn’t have time to untangle the mess, so he left them with his stuffy suit. The loose-fitting linen tunic and pants allowed him to move much more easily.

He slipped the full-coverage wooden mask over his face and took to the corridor at a full sprint. The only thing he kept was his boots, and he sincerely doubted anyone had paid that much attention to what he was wearing.

Jaden followed the sounds of the conflict. A musket-wielding traitor wearing a red bandana over his face ducked behind the tapestry into the servant’s hall.

Jaden activated his stone, so it covered his arm in stone, but not the rest of him. He decked the traitor. “Pick a different color.”

He tore the bandana off the unconscious man’s face and was dismayed that he didn’t recognize him. 

“Traitor!” King Dresden cried out.

Jaden pulled aside the tapestry. One of the king’s guards was threatening him.

The Mineraliteinfo-icon Superiority has a much further reach than I thought if they could get one of their men on the King’s guard or worse bribe one of them into betraying him.

“I could say the same of you, Your Majesty.” The guard sneered.

“You are one deep breath away from impaling yourself on my poison-coated blade.” The smooth voice of one of the Scarlet Society came from the shadows.

The guard froze.

Jaden used the distraction to burst out into the hall. A hail of bullets rained down on him. Rather than activate his stone armor, he used his stone to stop each individual bullet and encase it in stone so it wouldn’t ricochet.

When the traitors stopped to reload, Jaden rushed the closest one. They struggled over the musket, but Jaden couldn’t get a good enough grip with his gloves.

The traitor smashed his face with the butt of his gun and Jaden saw stars. He didn’t think, he just did what was necessary, and the man crumpled to the ground.

Jaden wiped his bloody nose with his sleeve. The traitors were engaged with the king’s guards or the Scarlet Society. He inwardly cursed the lazy noble lifestyle that created the indefensible layout of these Halls.

He glanced at the royal couple. The guard who had threatened their lives was missing, and a red-clad arm stuck out from behind the upturned table.

Jaden rushed towards the table and was relieved to find the king and queen unharmed. He grimaced. The same couldn’t be said of his Scarlet who had held the traitor at knife point. He peered into the dim servant’s corridor.

A Scarlet wearing Belladonna’s signature hood appeared from the gloom.

Jaden signed, Escaped traitor. Wearing king’s guard uniform.

Didn’t see. Belladonna shook her head and signed back. Secret route?

“It’s too late. He fled as soon as all of you appeared.” The king watched them with calculating eyes. “If truly do care about my safety, you will help my guard clean up the rest of these traitors.”

Jaden offered the king a dagger handle first and ran to join the rest of his people. A jolt of fear shot through him when he realized the queen’s eyes had been on his boots. Surely, she wouldn’t remember...


Jaden watched as Tobias paced in the borrowed servant’s quarters. “He escaped somewhere in the Ambassadorial Halls. The Enforcers and guards are searching everywhere, but if he got to the tunnels, he could be halfway to the Minerale border by now.”

Ashen crossed his arms and glared at Belladonna. “If you had stayed where you were stationed, maybe that treacherous King's guard would not have gotten away.”

“What are you talking about?” Belladonna asked as she cleaned Francis’ wounds. She frowned. “These will need stitches.”

“I saw you abandon your post.” Ashen pointed an accusatory finger at her. “And you didn’t show until after the guard had already escaped.”

“Speak plainly, Ashen, what exactly are you trying to imply?” Belladonna’s voice held a dangerous edge.

“The only way he could have escaped is if he had outside help.”

Tobias held up his hand. “The Mineralite Superiority Movement has many supporters, but I doubt Belladonna, an Elementi, is one of them. We can’t let this spy business make us paranoid and turn against each other.”

Ashen sat down stiffly. “I apologize. I-I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

Belladonna nodded. “I understand, but I would appreciate it if you didn’t doubt my loyalty again.”

Jaden held an ice pack to his aching forehead. “The king is still alive, and he knows he owes a debt to the Scarlet Society. We have one assassin in our custody and eventually, he will reveal the Mineralite Superiority Movement as the instigators of this plot.”

That seemed to mollify Ashen.

Jaden grunted, “Lady Josephine’s family has fallen on hard times. She won’t be able to accompany me to the soirees anymore. See if any of the Scarlet sympathetic nobles are interested in marrying into her family. They need someone rich to keep the factories running while they negotiate a better deal with the worker’s union.”

Casper made a note of the order in his black book.

“Why not marry her?” Francis asked. “She’s clever enough to be a good match for you.”

“I don’t have the money to keep the lights on and fund the Scarlet Society,” Jaden grumbled.

Francis smirked, only he could think about such things while getting stitches. “But you like her?”

Jaden rolled his eyes. “I wish I didn’t. I already have three sisters and my parents to protect. We can’t take on the responsibility of protecting her, her parents and her extended family from the repercussions of the Scarlet Society.”

Casper tapped his black book, “So we’ll have to find another unattached noblewoman.”

Jaden sighed. “Things would have gone much easier if I didn’t have to attend to Lady Josephine. She nearly uncovered my exploits several times.”

Casper snorted, “If you attend the soiree alone, Lady Emera will probably propose to you and your father will accept on your behalf.”

Francis pipped up, “If the woman was a member of the Scarlet Society, then you wouldn’t have to hide anything and she could even cover for you.”

Everyone glanced at Belladonna.

Belladonna laughed and cut the thread. “Respectfully, you don’t pay me enough for that.”

Francis rubbed his face. “I might know a girl, but we are going to have to invent a noble identity for her.”

Casper nodded, “Leave that to me.”

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Want to get access to chapters a month ahead of time? Click here to join the Web Story World subscription starting at $1. You'll get early access and bonus content for over four different authors ongoing serialized stories. 

How are the exiles doing? Let's find out in Chapter 16: The Foggy Valley

Junia, Mylo, and Pierre have finally found the Foggy Valley, but they missed the bandits once again.


The unlikely trio of exiles looked down at the sharp ravine filled with thick mist and gnarled trees. A strange stench emanated from the ravine. At the plateau where they stood, the evidence of the bandit’s campsite had long gone cold.

“You know, when you said your grandfather was leading the bandits to the ‘foggy valley’, I sort of imagined something more… pleasant.” Pierre turned up his nose. Even the gentleman bandit seemed afraid.

A mangled cry rose through the fog, and a shudder ran through Mylo. “That is a bad place.”

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